Daniela Ospina:hello santi
Santiago Betancur:how are you? You look stressed
Daniela Ospina:I’m not stresses, I’m bored because I can’t wait to see my boyfriend, cause I decided to break out with him.
Santiago Betancur:but your boyfriend tends to be kind with you; why did you decide to do that?
Daniela Ospina:because he hung up the call without say good bye “I love you”; I can’t afford to see my boyfriend doing that. That makes me crazy
Santiago Betancur:OMG that attitude proves to demonstrate that he doesn’t love you.
Daniela Ospina:not, I know that he loves me, could you help me to come back with him?.
Santiago Betancur:you seem to be worried, do you?
Daniela Ospina:yes I am, please give me some advice.
Santiago Betancur:I think he means to hurt you and turn you away from his side, so the better advice I can give you is try to forget him and find a new love.
Daniela Ospina:ok I think you're right
Santiago Betancur:yes, so I believe you will manage to maintain the relationship flowing if you meet another type of person
Daniela Ospina:thanks for the advice
Santiago Betancur:ok see you around
The task clearly follows the criteria by including verb patterns in the dialogue.