Workshop How to teach writing 3
(Based on Scrivener’s Chapter 9 ps. 196 – 205)
· Which real life writing tasks can be proposed in an English lesson in high school in courses 10 to 11? Which are social/personal? Which are academic? Support your answers
The writing tasks that can be proposed in courses 10 to 11 are:
*write an academic essay summarizing arguments for and against a viewpoint. ->Academic
*write real letters/e-mails. ->Social
*send comments, replies to discussions, reviews, etc. to web sites. -> Social
*write a review of a new game on a computer forum message board. ->Social
*write a letter in reply to a job application to arrange an interview. ->Social
I think that these activities are good for students in courses10-11 because we must know what students need or aspire to write in English. Students will need to write in English for work and for many reasons and especially with the growth of internet and the tendency to communicate in writing.
Such as writing a letter or an email has a meaning and personal value to the student and is something that can do often either to a friend or to a relative who is living in another English speaking country.
In conclusion there are activities that students will be motivated to do, having a reason to write, and keep in mind the needs that they have either in the present or in the future.
What is brainstorming used for? At which stage in the lesson would you use it?
It is used to facilitate the emergence of ideas about a topic.
It is a good tool to generate good ideas in groups and it can give better results than doing this individually. Students will say anything that passes through their mind when they see the tittle, it does not matter how good or wrong idea it is.
We can use the brainstorming after we explain what they have to do, after we introduced the topic and summarize the main task.
· What are text-starts for? Design a text-start and a writing task for teaching how to write a report.
Resource material
Writing task
They will be part of a social event related to safety, they'll observe the interventions, the different topics and the main purpose.
The teacher ask the students to write a report taking into account different headings.
· Is it fast-writing effective? Why (not)?
Fast writing is good because when we are doing that, we ignore the inner voice that criticizes us when we want to start to write something, because we are always looking at if it will be good or bad. From this I can say that fast writing is very effective because with this that we write can be a based to write the final text easier.
· How can students structure and organize the text they are going to write; for example the report proposed before?
The students can writing down the principal idea of what they see in the resource material or what they want to write for example they can use cards where they can separate the ideas however they want. After that they can use to write the report.
Concept map is another good tool to organize their ideas.
They have to know what they want to write first, what they want to produce in the readers.
And for these reasons, the cards are useful.
· What should a student focus on when looking at sample texts?
When the students see an example, they can look what effect cause on readers; specify sentences and phrases that are used to be guided and to do similar in theirs. They can see text structure they have to write, etc.
· Why is feedback an important stage in a writing lesson? Who should give it? How?
Feedback is important as it supports the student in writing.
Feedback is quite useful in the writing process as students can review the errors that have and edit your drafts. The student can ask for help in a particular area and ask what effect the writing has on the teacher-as-reader.Doing this, the student can write a better ending text.
Not only teacher can give feedback; the classmates can read the others text. In pairs can exchange the test and comment what they think the other is wrong.
· Why is it advisable for learners to use computers for their writing assignments? What should you consider related to this when assigning a task?
They can have many copies of what they are writing. If they are wrong about something, they can edit it without retyping.
On the computer there are many programs that when you write, it corrects spelling errors, punctuation, etc. It is more easily to send to others.
We must take into account that there are students who are not familiar with using computers, so we must teach them how to do this. (Give instructions).
They have to Know That They Can Change the size; they can cut and copy information that find in internet without writing. Etc. they will know all the benefits of writing on the computer.
·· Which tasks would you suggest for these purposes?
Real life purpose
Possible classroom task
You want to excuse for a missing class and request an opportunity for submitting a homework
They can write a formal letter to the teacher asking for an opportunity.
You want to inform in your social network about an important piece of news related to the UTP
Students can write a descriptive paragraph
Planning classroom writing work
Level: Elementary
Objective:At the ende of this lesson the children willknow how to write an informal letter for a friend who lives abroad
1.Introduce the topic: I am going to show to the students some images of different countries where they can go to practice or study English, then they will see others images that represent these countries and they have to relate the country with the correct image; after that the students will answer if they know the name or something about these countries. Finally I'm going to ask some questions: do you have some friend or relative living abroad?, do you want to travel abroad?, do you have any contact with them? (By email, telephone, a letter, etc).
Introduce a summarise the main writing task: The students will now that they are going to write an informal letter to a friend that is living abroad.
Brainstorm ideas: I'm going to write the tittle of the topic on the board to get ideas, then I'm going to ask the students to say something that is in their mind when they read the tittle.
I will write these ideas on the board.
Fast-write: After I have writen their ideas on the board; I'm going to ask the students to write in their notebooks a fast-writing, i will give them some instructions:
* please start writing about the topic and these ideas
* You can not stop
Finally I ask them to tell me what they wrote.
Select and reject ideas: The students are going to select the ideas that are more important for them.
Sort and order ideas: The studens will be guided to put in order the main ideas.
Decide on specific requirements: I'm going to explain the style of an informal letter, what can they use? for example they can use contractions, what they have to write, the correct puntuaction, I'm going to say to the students that they can use informal language.
Focus on useful models: The students will see an example of an informal letter. now they can identify the organisation, grammar, specific phrases, everything I explained before.
Plan the text: The studens will write down their main ideas of the text that they want to write as notes separate using lines or cards, that is useful because now they can see orderly what they are going to write.
get feedback: Students will be divided into groups so that each student read each other's work and give a review of the errors that may have.
prepare draft: After the feedback each student will write a draft which will be given to readers again to resivir comments.
Edit: Now the students will check if they had a correct grammar, spelling, etc; if they wrote what they want to say in the letter.
Prepare final text: Finally the students are ready to write the final text based in the feedback.
Level: Elementary
Target Population: 10th grade
Students will form groups, the teacher will give to each group a picture;
then, he'll ask them which aspects they like and dislike about the picture.If they would like to be there on vacation.
Then we will discuss about where they were in the last vacation.
The teacher will give them a text with a descriptive e-mail example, all students will read it. After, they will have to underline all the adjectives, and write if the e-mail is in past,present or future.And they will complete some exercises after being modeled by the teacher, then the teacher will give feedback and will ensure that they understood.
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